
The Immersion Experience

Explore How To Live From A Place Of Encounter


The Immersion Experience is the cornerstone program of the Academy. It is an eight-month program that incorporates both online and face-to-face learning content. It is designed to assist participants to grow in their awareness of the Spirit of God and to equip them to live a truly prophetic life. It is about developing your spirituality and diving into your soul - the place of encounter and transformation.  For some, these spaces are unfamiliar – yet they hold the key to discovering the beauty of Christ and your true self in Him.

This unique experience unites two spiritual streams; specifically, the Contemplative stream with particular emphasis on Ignatian Spirituality, and the Pentecostal stream.  This course has been birthed from the doctoral work of Dr Ally Cawthorn who found that exploring a contemplative approach to spiritual formation in a Pentecostal setting is both exciting and fulfilling. Drinking from the sacred and deep streams of Contemplative Christianity, unlocks the heart and invites the seeker into new realms of life and ministry. 

The focus of this course is to go deeper. To explore those places that are not visible, yet are influencing our lives and experiences of God. This exploration is essential for the health of your soul. Have you ever asked yourself "Is there MORE than this?" If so, this course is for you. 


The Four Themes Of The Experience

  • Broad

    Broad Spaces are places where we can - Breath, Slow Down and Explore the deeper aspects of our soul and self. This broadens the influence of those interior spaces of encounter from where our life ultimately flows.

    Programs that focus on the visible, behavioural and conceptual aspects of Christianity, are important and useful for our journey, however they often remain mere concepts that have little influence upon our lives as we remain unacquainted with our own souls.

  • Intentional

    Being intentional about how we spend our time and therefore our lives is crucial to ensure we are becoming who we are called to be. The most important intention of our lives as those who are stewarding the revelation of Christ in our generation, is to live with intentionality toward our relationship with God, ourselves and one another.

    Development of our 'self' and our spiritual gifts does not happen unless we are intentional about it. The Immersion Experience is focused upon encounter with the Spirit of God who is the Ultimate director of our lives and the one who knows each of us uniquely. Partnering with Him ensures we are growing into the people He knows us to be.

  • Transformational

    Every true encounter with God is by nature, transformational. You cannot encounter Christ and remain the same. As we become more like Jesus, we become more of the unique being we are in Him. Our whole journey into maturity is a transformational one. God is continually calling us into greater wholeness, greater fulfillment and to become those who live in, and from - the Kingdom.

    We will explore spiritual practices that open us to the transforming presence of Christ - together - holding space for one another to grow and learn.

  • Relational

    The Immersion Experience is a journey that we take TOGETHER. True spiritual Community ensures there are safe spaces to share our stories and to receive prophetic encouragement from others who are on the same path.

    To be truly known, seen and heard is the longing of every heart and spiritual community is the best place for that to happen.

“Doing the Immersion Experience was the richest intentional discipleship and true community experience I have encountered in my 35 years of walking with Christ. Some of the things the Father revealed to me during the journey have had significant impact on my relationship with Jesus and fostered a new level of spiritual freedom.”


Ready To Dive Deeper?