Spiritual Direction


Christian spiritual direction is an ancient practice that dates back to the desert fathers and mothers in the late third and fourth centuries when pilgrims would journey into the desert to seek spiritual wisdom from these holy hermits dwelling in the desert. The practice of spiritual direction has continued throughout the centuries with some of the more well-known guides including Teresa of Avila, Ignatius of Loyola and Frances de Sales. Those who longed for a deeper relationship with God and desired to experience Him in their daily life sought out a spiritual director to listen to their experiences and co-discern the presence of God and the invitations He was offering the seeker for deeper communion.


Spiritual direction is a prayerful ministry of presence. The spiritual director’s role is to accompany another to discern the presence and activity of God within their lives; to uncover the often subtle movements of the Spirit and to have the courage to faithfully respond to the leading of God.

“Christian spiritual direction is help given by one believer to another that enables the latter to pay attention to God’s personal communication to him and her, to respond to this personally communicating God, to grow in intimacy with this God, and to live out the consequences of the relationship.”

~Barry & Connolly ‘The Practice of Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is an evocative, contemplative practice whereby the director listens to the stories of another and then assists in noticing the sacred threads flowing through everyday experiences, prayer practices and the inner life; to offer advice on spiritual practices that may deepen spiritual growth and to provide a space for deep soul care. The director may use questions, times of silence or simply notice certain ‘sacred threads’ that are present within the stories of the directees, thus reflecting those back for the purpose of evoking a greater awareness of the presence and activity of God in their lives.

Spiritual direction is not discipleship, counselling or mentoring, however it can include:

  • Exploring Christian prayer practices

  • Theological reflection

  • Incorporating Christian spiritual disciplines

  • Interior reflection and healing prompted by the Holy Spirit

  • Uncovering and exploring images of God, self and the world

  • Encountering Christ in deeper and more powerful ways


Direction sessions typically last 50mins - 1hour and usually begin with a time of prayerful silence. After that time, the director will spend some time exploring and dialoguing about the recent movements of God in the directee’s life. Spiritual direction sessions typically occur once a month.


Spiritual direction costs are based on a sliding scale according to ability to pay. The usual amount for a 1 hour session is between $50-80 AUD.

Register your interest for Spiritual Direction.

If you are interested in receiving spiritual direction from either Dr Ally or Ps Steve Cawthorn, please use the contact form.